Did I miss your response Lance?
You have picqued my interest.
Do you think that you could change the mind of one who might fit the description of Acts 15:26? Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Would you say that men that put their own lives in hazard are not somewhat DOGMATIC?
Would you admit that some (not all) you claim to follow had strong beliefs and were then as you say, Dogmatic?

Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you think that you could change the mind of one who might fit the description of Acts 15:26? Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Would you say that men that put their own lives in hazard are not somewhat DOGMATIC?
Would you admit that some (not all) you claim to follow had strong beliefs and were then as you say, Dogmatic?

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've no problem acknowledging the 'fixity and eternality' of truth. I do, however, have a problem with some persons interpretations. I'd say to you that which I said to Kevin: Once you (Judy) are convinced that your statements concerning the truth (Scriptural quotations on any subject) are themselves the truth then, even the possibility of conversation is over. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 15, 2006 07:36
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The dearly departed

I am saying that I don't understand your question Lance - so it looks like you have excused yourself again.
Why are you so full of conditions - is it really that difficult to say what you mean?
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:31:49 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
When you answer my question then, I'll 'give it a shot' as it were.
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:02:02 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Would you be so kind Judy, as to restate 'apprehend and apply' so as to demonstrate to me that therein lies the meaning 'truth is NOT fixed and eternal..'?
I say that truth IS fixed and eternal so would you please explain what you mean by the above  ...
Further Judy, should we actually be attempting to exhibit a 'new and improved' TT, was the last 'shot' necessary? ('dancing around a calf').  
I think so Lance, and BTW it is not a "shot"  We all come into this world with hearts full of idolatry, I examine my own daily. Remember, we are all "by nature" children of wrath. That is unless we walk after the "new nature"
Not so Lance; Truth is fixed and eternal in every generation. God does not change and neither does His Word
which is forever sealed in heaven.  As Dean warns - better be sure you are not dancing around a calf.
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 05:42:17 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Each generation must apprehend then apply the truth in a manner appropriate to its time. This is but one reason IFO favour newer translations of all sacred texts, including the text of scripture. Some recent christian teaching/writing is an asset to the believing community. FWIW, I'd dance to that tune.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: March 14, 2006 15:46
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] The dearly departed

cd: No, it was not honest. But then again since when did this dancing brotherhood ever worry about honesty-or truth-or The Truth? They are a fine testimony for their group thinking religion-which they claim is ongoing revelation given by the decision of the majority of the group. They claim to decide if God is Male / Female or whatever- I asked them : What if the majority decided that God is a calf and to date have gotten no reply to this question..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/14/2006 11:58:47 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] The dearly departed

So why did jd inquire of you about them? Was that honest??? iz 
On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 20:22:45 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
cd; They have been in contact with Miller - Blain, DH ,John, Gary- and believe it or not Glen tabor.All in one group e-Mail-of which I seem to be the topic.
Why dont you contact them directly? You have their email addresses, as do the rest of us. iz

By the way  --  are we allowed to ask as to the status of Gary and DH?   They are missed on this forum by some.  

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