In his writing below about "existential decision" Torrance confirms Calvin's doctrine of "Total Depravity" which teaches that fallen mankind is akin to a literal corpse and unable to make a decision that is anything but evil .. Unconditional Election follows along with Limited Atonement. I figure his Limited Atonement would conflict violently with the way you see the "incarnation" so possibly Torrance veers off here a little but so far it sounds like Calvin's other points are in place.

"But the Scots Confession laid the axe to the root of any such movement when it insisted that we have to spoil ourselves even of our own regeneration and sanctification as well as justification. What is "axed" so radically was the notion of "co-redemption" which in our day has again become so rampant, not only in the Roman Church, but in Liberal and Evangelical Protestantism, e.g., the emphasis upon existential decision as the means whereby we "make real" for ourselves the kerygma [proclamation] of the New Testament, which means that in the last resort our salvation depends upon our own personal or existential decision.

That is the exact antithesis of the Reformed doctrine of election, which rests salvation upon the prior and objective decision of God in Christ. It is Justification by Grace alone that guards the Gospel from corruption by "Evangelicals," "Liberals," and Romans alike."

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