Some charge that RW has No Absolute Morals!
RW says "I have to distinguish plainly between personal theories and interpretations and the majority conviction of my Church"
So opinions of Men as in the Majority consensus of his CHURCH is his Absolute guide!
Last week, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, caused controversy by praising the National Theatre's adaptation of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials - a work that has been interpreted by some as anti-Christian.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Lance wrote:
> > If Williams is a 'liberal loonie' then
> > you are a 'sectarian loonie' , David.
> I'm sectarian only in the sense that the holy and the profane ought to be
> separate. I am not sectarian within the group of those who have submitted
> unto Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
> Lance wrote:
> > He is a brother in Christ who believes
> > differently than you on some matters.
> > Now, if that makes him what you say
> > then, that makes you what I say.
> He is not a liberal loony for believing differently from me. The moniker
> was offered because of his statement about how acknowledgement of our
> Creator did not belong in schools. He made an irrational statement,
> assuming tha t CNN reported him accurately. If he is a brother in Christ,
> then I expect to hear a retraction or clarification made soon as other
> believers correct him. If he is not a brother in Christ, then he will
> continue to support the working of iniquity that seeks to remove the
> acknowledgment of God our Creator from the schools. What he said was very
> damaging to our society, to believers who want to acknowledge God the
> Creator in their study of origins. To think that science and the
> acknowledgement of God are incompatible is expected from scientists but not
> from theologians, and certainly not from the Right Reverend Doctor Rowland
> Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.
> David Miller
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how
> you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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