John wrote:
> "Believe in God's word" is fundy
> code for "believe as I do."

After all this time, you still don't understand.  If it is code for 
anything, it is:  "line up with my understanding of God's Word here, or show 
me what the true understanding of God's Word is and help me to line up with 

The liberals say, "God's Word can interpreted in many different ways so that 
none of us can be sure what it means; therefore, nobody can be dogmatic 
about any particular viewpoint."

John wrote:
> When we have been dispersed, take with
> you the knowledge that not one single Rad
> Fundy has given any of us a clue as to what
> "doctrine" they are talking about.

I think Kevin is the only fundamentalist left on TT.  He certainly does not 
fit your characterization from my perspective.  He has patiently explained 
what doctrine he is talking about.

John wrote:
> You must obey the commandments  !!!
> they yell  to the others.   What commandments
> ---   love one another,  treat others as you would
> be treated,  do not judge with finality,   strive to
> be as mature as God is?   Do not lust.  Be angry
> and sin not?   Is that it?
> They make it sound as if they have commandments
> no else has  --  and it turns out , they do not.
> Just a big deal over the very same things all of us
> practice.
> Sigh........

You should ask yourself why some of us hear a fundamentalist like Kevin and 
say, "Amen!," while others hear him and say, "Oh My!"  If everyone were 
truly all practicing the same thing, we would not hear both of these 

David Miller

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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