Continuing with my farewell impressions...

Although Bill Taylor only recently came onto TruthTalk and our interaction 
was rather limited,  I have to say that much of his discussions with me have 
left an impact.  While his mindset of the Incarnation and how that impacts 
evangelism is very different from my own, I see the grain of truth in his 
thinking and have incorporated elements of it in how I approach evangelism. 
I realize that saying this may be incomprehensible to some on TruthTalk, 
maybe even raise red flags of alarm, but it is very true nonetheless.  Jesus 
did indeed die for the sins of the whole world, and part of our message to 
others is what are they doing about that fact.  What is their response?

Some other ways that I have appreciated Bill is simply observing his 
theological training and manner of communicating.  Some names dropped by him 
and others like Lance Muir also have blessed me in directing me toward 
further reading and study along theological lines.  While some on TruthTalk 
question the value of such, I consider it all part of our culture and an 
area of formal training that I have lacked. Therefore, I have appreciated 
Lance and Bill in bringing to the table names and works in a framework with 
which I have been unfamiliar.

Lance too has effected me positively in several ways.  We approach truth 
differently.  Lance takes a much more holisitic approach and is altogether 
people oriented.  His criticism of my reductionism and orientation toward 
dictum has not gone unnoticed.  It has heightened some of my appreciation 
for the Biblical approach to the person of Jesus Christ.  After all, the 
entire gospel is centered more on the person of Christ than it is his 
teaching and sayings.  This is not to say that I have forsaken the teaching 
of Christ altogether, but rather that I have appreciated aspects of Lance 
which bring attention back toward the person of Christ and even each other 
as people.  Lance sees truth through people more than through expressions 
and teaching.  I have learned to appreciate that about him, and to recognize 
its Biblical nature.  I only wish we had more time to explore it on 
TruthTalk in a way that would have been mutually edifying.

Lance also brought me into touch with Debbie.  Although my interaction with 
Debbie has been rather limited, I have appreciated her writing ability and 
feel blessed to have been touched by her life.  Debbie at times is able to 
hear and see past her own mindset, and other times she is able to forcefully 
articulate a viewpoint that can be quite convincing.  Like Lance, she 
appreciates the personal over the wrangling of words, and that is refreshing 
and brings a different focus at times when such is needed.

I had hoped to finish my impressions by this weekend, but too much has been 
going on.  Last night we held a Strings Concert here at my home where all 
five of my children performed.  More than 80 people attended.  Then today we 
had church here at my home late into the evening.  One of the students at UF 
has taken up preaching now too... great praise report...  he preached for 
the first time last Friday and plans to continue carrying that torch every 
Friday.  He has drawn many other students in this move of God that is 
happening at the University of Florida.  We had praise reports of two people 
healed of cancer this week at church... lots of things happening.  So, 
please forbear with me if I extend TruthTalk yet another day so I can finish 
saying my goodbyes.  I guesss there is not much I can say to get everyone to 
stop posting dialogue and to say their goodbyes, so I will finish mine as 
soon as I can and then take down the list.  God bless you all.  My prayers 
are with you Lance and your mother during this time.  Please let us know if 
she was a believer in Jesus Christ.  Thanks.

David Miller 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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