My it is awfully quiet this morning; I don't even see anything from Lance (the early bird)
Have been busy over the weekend so have not had much time to think about goodbyes. 
Our son and DIL are building a house at the back of us - also we are involved daily with our
daughter in TX who is presently in the midst of an ongoing crisis.
I would like to thank all of you for sharing yourselves on the TT List. I think I have learned in
some way from everyone, though possibly not in the ways you or I would have thought.  For
me, TT has been a learning experience and I am thankful that DavidM rescued me from the
legalistic Homechurch List where we met.  David you and your family have been a real
encouragement in the Lord.  I took me a while to get to know each Listmember. My ideas
regarding Street Preaching have changed and I have enjoyed Kevin and Dean so much.
I am glad to know they are out there along with DM and Christine Miller.  Just this morning
I read 1 Kings 14:24 regarding the mess Judah was in after Solomon "and there were also
sodomites in the land and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which
the Lord cast out before the children of Israel" so theirs is truly a labor of love.  Thank you Iz
for sharing yourself, your pilgrimage, and your family with us. I wanted to share some photos
but haven't had time to look for one to compete with JD and Gary  :)
Lance, I have to say that I was often surprised that you hung in there - We never did agree
but I do appreciate the kind words you spoke on occasion; they tell me that you did not take
what I wrote personally which is good.  I am not angry with any person per se and have found
everything interesting, even Dave Hanson's contributions in the historical or cultural sense
(see your input Lance :) but when I came to TT I was and am still frustrated by dead orthodoxy
and theologies or men because they are powerless and I so want to see Jesus on the scene. 
There are more than 500 families in the church we attend and so many hurting ppl that the
new counseling pastor is swamped they are calling him all hours of the day and night and he
doesn't have time for his family.  The teaching pastor is just back from spending a week in
London and yesterday he shared how on the flight over there was a rape on the TV's on either
side of him and when his wife turned hers on there was an adulterous affair on it.  He then told
us how overwhelmed he was by Westminster Abbey where the Westminster Confession was
put together and All Souls Church where John Stott whose writings have affected him so much
pastored.. that's all well and good and I'm glad for him but on the way home I told my husband
that the effect his sermon had on me was to make me want to go to London - but not for the
same reasons.  It did not make me hunger for more of Jesus.
I long for God's Word to be exalted with great plainness of speech so that we will see His results
with lives changed and health and peace among the people.
I pray you will all grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him and that we will have opportunity
to meet again.
God Bless You All
judyt in Suffolk VA

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