Hello folks,

We have released version 0.1 of Tryton Restful [1], a simple wsgi app that
allows you to use your favorite rest/http clients to talk to Tryton models.

The README [2] includes a few examples using the popular requests
python library.

Feel free to fork and contribute

[1] https://github.com/openlabs/tryton-restful
[2] https://github.com/openlabs/tryton-restful#rest-api-endpoints

Happy hacking,

Sharoon Thomas
CEO & Chief Software Architect
Openlabs Technologies & Consulting (P) Limited

w: http://www.openlabs.co.in
m: +1 813.793.6736 (OPEN) Extn. 200
t: @sharoonthomas 

- We win when our customers win

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