I'd like to introduce you to a new set of commands [1] that we've
recently added to the tools we use for managing Tryton repositories
(and some more stuff) [2], which uses the invoke [3] application and

These commands help you in creating a database, installing modules,
installing languages, adding demo data for parties, products, sales,
purchases and processing sales, purchases, invoices, etc. We're adding
new commands all the time.

Most important features and advantages are:

- It can be used by non-programmers. Specially if you combine it with
- It stores the database resulting of the execution of each command
making it very quick to go back to a previous state and executing new
commands from that point (no need to wait for the installation of the
country module each time ;-).
- Each command tries to not depend on the previous one. So at any
point you can get the current database, add data manually and then
continue managing it from the command line tools. So, if default
product demo data does not fit what you need to showcase Tryton to a
potential customer, you can just create the products manually and then
let the system create random sales for you, process the shipments and
their invoices.

At [1] you can take a look at how a sample session can look like.

[2] https://bitbucket.org/nantic/tryton-tasks
[3] https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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