On 14 Mar 15:20, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> Hi all,
> it would be nice to find a generic approach for the following operations in 
> the
> scope of many companies:
> - Handing out samples for inspection to the customer for evaluation and evtl.
>   later purchase.

I guess it could be free product sample.

> - Lending goods to the customer.
> - Leasing goods to the customer.

You don't do that with goods but with assets.

> All operations have in common, that the goods still are property of the
> warehouse, but physically are at the customers place.

Not for assets (except rarely when you sale it but it is already

> The challenge: since those goods are just temporarily unavailable and are
> expected to come back to the storage zone, they shouldn't trigger any
> provisioning mechanisms like internal or purchase requests. So for all kind of
> requests the goods should behave as being in a location of type storage, but
> without being available for sales.

Already with assets.

Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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