On 14/05/10 11:42 +0200, Tobias Paepke wrote:
> Am 13.05.10 18:14, schrieb Cédric Krier:
> > On 13/05/10 17:50 +0200, Tobias Paepke wrote:
> >   
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> i was looking into the possibility to have a combined view consisting of 
> >> for example two views of the same model.
> >> for example having on the left column a list of parties (tree view)and 
> >> at the right column the form of the selected party on the left tree view.
> >> Here some ascii Art:
> >> +--------+---------------+
> >> |party1  | Tab1|Tab2     |
> >> |party2  | ------------- |
> >> |party3  | Name          |
> >> |party4  |               |
> >> |party5  |               |
> >> |        |               |
> >> +--------+---------------+
> >>
> >>
> >> So i don't want to create  a whole new view. More something like the 
> >> dashboard but as an additional possibility to the standard view-switches.
> >> It would be great to have the same search fields like in the standard 
> >> tree view.
> >>
> >> maybe its already possible, if not see it as a proposal.
> >>
> >>     
> > It should be possible to change the client to allow it.
> > But I'm not sure it is a good GUI because I think it is better to have a
> > minimal quantity of information in one view and also to use the same 
> > paradigm
> > in the all application.
> >
> >   
> it could maybe implemented as some kind of theme like in thunderbird the
> different view for the mails (classical, three-column, ...)
> at my point of view its good to let the user the choice. I saw that

I think I already pointed this talk [1] but I think it is really an important
thing. Not so much softwares follow this principle and this could make the
difference for Tryton.

> concept of my proposal at a lot of applications before and i think its
> common for the user.

Perhaps, but we should find the pros and cons. Because we try to build a
better and inovative application and not a duplication of others.

> Thinking about the common wide-screen monitors which are used in
> business, we have a lot of horizontal space.

That doesn't mean the human brain can handle more informations :-)

> For your argument of simplicity (which I really like): We already have a
> lot of informations available to the user like the sub-tabbing in views.

Tabs are good to hide stuff on the screen. I find they just the opposite of
your proposal.

> Doesn't most of the models and views have at least a tree view?

Yes normally, except singletons.

[1] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6127548813950043200#

Cédric Krier

Rue de Rotterdam, 4
4000 Liège
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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