For instance, if we consider the General Ledger report, and the simple 
table scan on account_move:

        clause = [
            ('', '=', data['company']),
                order=[('date', 'ASC'), ('id', 'ASC')])

The extra AND clause generated by '', '=', 
data['company'] seems to be:

    AND ("account_move"."period" IN (SELECT "account_period".id AS id FROM 
"account_period" WHERE (("account_period"."fiscalyear" IN (SELECT 
"account_fiscalyear".id AS id FROM "account_fiscalyear" WHERE 
(("account_fiscalyear"."company" = 1)) AND ("account_fiscalyear".id IN 
(SELECT "account_fiscalyear".id AS id FROM "account_fiscalyear" WHERE 
(((("account_fiscalyear"."company" = 1))) AND true)))))) AND 
("account_period".id IN (SELECT "account_period".id AS id FROM 
"account_period" WHERE (((("account_period"."fiscalyear" IN (SELECT 
"account_fiscalyear".id AS id FROM "account_fiscalyear" WHERE 
(("account_fiscalyear"."company" = 1)))))) AND true)))))) 

I am not sure this is efficient, but for sure it is unreadable.

Not to talk about the case when such query needs to be related to other 
tables (that could also requires such indirection).

Having company field in the move table would probably zap this extra clause 
wouldn't it ?

This is the complete clause should you want to EXPLAIN:

SELECT "account_move".id AS id,"account_move"."create_uid" AS 
"create_uid","account_move"."create_date" AS 
"create_date","account_move"."centralised_line" AS 
"centralised_line","account_move"."post_number" AS 
"post_number","account_move"."write_uid" AS 
"write_uid","account_move"."journal" AS "journal","account_move"."state" AS 
"state","account_move"."period" AS "period","account_move"."write_date" AS 
"write_date","account_move"."date" AS "date","account_move"."number" AS 
"number","account_move"."description" AS "description",CAST(EXTRACT(EPOCH 
FROM (COALESCE("account_move".write_date, "account_move".create_date))) AS 
VARCHAR) AS _timestamp FROM "account_move" WHERE (("account_move"."date" >= 
'2012-01-01'::date) AND ("account_move"."date" <= '2013-04-09'::date) AND 
("account_move"."period" IN (SELECT "account_period".id AS id FROM 
"account_period" WHERE (("account_period"."fiscalyear" IN (SELECT 
"account_fiscalyear".id AS id FROM "account_fiscalyear" WHERE 
(("account_fiscalyear"."company" = 1)) AND ("account_fiscalyear".id IN 
(SELECT "account_fiscalyear".id AS id FROM "account_fiscalyear" WHERE 
(((("account_fiscalyear"."company" = 1))) AND true)))))) AND 
("account_period".id IN (SELECT "account_period".id AS id FROM 
"account_period" WHERE (((("account_period"."fiscalyear" IN (SELECT 
"account_fiscalyear".id AS id FROM "account_fiscalyear" WHERE 
(("account_fiscalyear"."company" = 1)))))) AND true)))))) ORDER BY 
"account_move"."date" ASC,"account_move"."id" ASC

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