On 19 Feb 11:09, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
> Hi,

First, I don't think tryton-dev@ is the right place.

> we've got 6 different kinds of shipments in Tryton:
> - Supplier in
> - Supplier return
> - Customer out
> - Customer return
> - Internal
> - Drop shipment
> Still, there are some use cases not covered by these shipments which
> are quite usual. Here're four that come to my mind:
> - The supplier sent me the goods but I didn't purchase them. In this
> case, usually I will only purchase when I've sold them.
> - The previous scenario but I'm the supplier. So I send goods to the
> customer. It is in his warehouse but the stock is actually mine
> (specially important for accounting reasons). I will sell the goods as
> soon as he notifies my that he has sold them.
> - My customer sends me some goods so that I can produce a product for
> him. I may purchase some of the goods of a given production but not
> all of them. While the stock is in my warehouse it is still property
> of the customer until I consume them.
> - Similar to the previous one but now I'm the customer. I send some
> products to my supplier so he can do a production for me.
> In all of these cases the source and destination location type is the
> same (either both are supplier or both are customer). This makes it a
> bit strange because there's no type "customer in his warehouse" and
> "customer in my warehouse" or something like that, so there would be
> no difference between source & destination location domains in send &
> return versions of the shipment.
> Are there things that you think I should take into account before
> trying to write the blueprints for some of them? According to a
> comment by Cédric in this [1] issue we should not create customer
> locations inside a warehouse. Any ideas on how to manage the mentioned
> cases so that both ownership and management of the goods in the
> warehouse fit smoothly?

All your example, the company doesn't own the products sent/received so
they should not be in the warehouse. You can use an secondary
supplier/customer location for that. So here we have the need of an
external shipment (maybe internal shipment could be extended).
Once you have the real operation sale or purchase, you just have to pick
products from the right location (could be configured on the party).

Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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