
This is my first post, so hello to everybody :-)

We are planning to develop a custom module that will use attachments a lot. 
One of the requirements is that the attachments list has to be inside the 
form (not in a separate window as it happens as default), and it is also 
important that files can be attached before saving the record that is being 
created. I have found a module (
https://bitbucket.org/zikzakmedia/trytond-product_attachments) that does 
both things, so it would be "only" a matter of learning a lot more about 
tryton and replicating this solution on top of our custom data model.
But I see that the official client purposedly disables the attach button 
before the record is created (issue 
and I don't know the reason. The changelog says to see the mercurial logs 
for details, but I have not found information when searching (
I'm new to this so maybe I am not searching properly. Could anybody point 
me in the correct direction, or explain why attachments are disabled when 
record is not created? Thank you for your help.


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