El 06/06/14 15:07, Vincent Mora ha escrit:

I'm trying to create an action, available in the tree view, that would update on field of all selected records.

I have a button to do this update in the form view, for one record, but I can't find documentation on how to trigger that for all selected records in the tree view.
If you're on version > 3.2 you can add the button to the tree_view, with tree_invisible attribute set and the action will apear on the actions submenu. See:


I guest I could do that with à report class, in exectute(), but it feels like a hack to update records through the report mechanism.

This action does not seem to fit in Window or URL, maybe a Wizard (without any GUI).

Any idea ?
If you are on a older version a wizard may do the trick :)

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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