El 24/08/16 a les 12:59, Cédric Krier ha escrit:

Since some time, I'm a little bit annoyed by our exception about
"import *" in __init__.py. It will be great if we could have no more
those warning.
So I propose to gradually change our style to use this one (example from
party module):

    import category
    import party

    def register():

I find that it has three advantages:

    - remove the "import *"
    - remove collision risk about class name
    - show which python file comes a class

What do you think?

It thing is a very good improvement, especially third point as knowing the python file from which the class becomes very usefull for modules with a lot of python files.

I have an additional doubt: If we remove the "import *" we can also remove the __all__ attribute from imported files?

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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