El 20/03/17 a les 18:34, Nicolas Évrard ha escrit:

I am currently working on two patches that will make it easier to
create python modules adding a new backend to tryton:

   - https://tryton-rietveld.appspot.com/33951002/
     This patch moves the handling of the SQL type of the tryton
     fields to the backend.

     In order to have a kind of lingua franca between tryton and the
     backend we specify on the field the "abstract" SQL types it
     wants to use (a M2O will use an INTEGER, a TimeDelta an
     INTERVAL, and so on).

So in order to create a custom field type (I have JSONB in my mind), we have to create a new backend? And in order to support this kind of fields on more than one backend we have to create multiple backend? I imagine some users having to maintain the following backends:


Having said that I'm wondering if it won't be better to allow to register the handlers of the abstract types in external modules, so with the same backend we will be able to handle different types of fields, which can be then reused.

   - https://tryton-rietveld.appspot.com/26231002/
     This patch uses the abstract SQL types to create the column in
     the backend instead of the raw SQL type that was used before.

You can see those patch in action in the following patch adding a
postgis backend which inherits almost everything from the postgres
backend: https://codereview.appspot.com/322730043/

Instead of creating a new backend I will prefer to extend the existing one.

We wonder if there is some kind of interest to make this backend
supported by community or if we should keep it in the B2CK realm.
According to me we should definitely support this backend (I
personally know ∞-time more people that would use this backend then
the mysql one). And this last remarks makes me wonder if we shouldn't
make of the mysql backend this kind of python package (supported by
the community but not release critical at all).

+1 for separating mysql backend.

I'm in favor of adding community supported packages but not release critical. Indeed, i think more packages can be added in this realm, like:

- flask-tryton
- celery-tryton
- redis-tryton
- trydoc

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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