El 02/05/17 a les 07:59, Vincent Bastos ha escrit:

I wanted to know what the best way to write a domain for a search call
to test for records that have a date in a particular field.

My idea is something like this:

nodate = Date(0)

invoices = Invoice.search([
            ('lease', '=', self.id),
            ('state', '!=', 'paid'),
            ('mydate', '!=', nodate),
        ], order=[('invoice_date', 'ASC')])
Not sure to understand, but if you want to search for invoices where the mydate field is empty you can search for None as values. The clause will be:

('mydate', '=', None)

Hope it helps.

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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