I read already config in 2.4 /etc/

Thats why I used

"xmlport =  *:8069
ssl_xmlrpc = False"

instead of

"xmlrpc = True
xmlport = 8069"

But Tryton still only listening on 8000.

In conf of 2.4 I also read "ssl_xmlrpc = ..."

But no mather if True or False is raise an error so what do you mean
with look at 2.4 /etc/conf?

Am Donnerstag, den 21.06.2012, 19:20 +0200 schrieb Raimon Esteve:
> 2012/6/21 TPH <truckparts-hamb...@gmx.de>:
> > after I set in Tryton 2.4 "/etc/trytond.conf" "xmlrpc = True" and "xmlport =
> > 8069" I can no longer start Tryton. I get this message:
> > #AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'split'
> XML-RPC options are:
> # Activate the xml-rpc protocol
> xmlrpc = *:8069 # => change port connection
> #ssl_xmlrpc = False
> Review default tryton.conf in /etc directory trytond. See differences
> to old versions.
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