On 25/07/12 01:00 -0700, suraj wrote:
> Hello on gnuhealth pls what module do I install to get doctors evaluation? 
> I have install heath services module but I can only see patients evaluation 
> but not doctors also is it possible to be able to know how many patients we 
> have in a particular months?

You should ask such question on the GNUHealth mailing list.

PS: By the way, it is very agressive to use uppercase like that. See the
netiquette at http://groups.tryton.org/netiquette

Cédric Krier

Rue de Rotterdam, 4
4000 Liège
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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