On Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:31:15 PM UTC-3, Udo Spallek wrote:

> Hi, 
> Wed, 23 Jan 2013 09:48:04 -0600 
> Andres Vargas <zod...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: 
> >2013/1/23 Cédric Krier <cedric...@b2ck.com <javascript:>> 
> >> Yes, I'm thinking about using the default/standard layout of sphinx. 
> >what about http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinx-bootstrap-theme/ ? 
> It is IMHO a nice looking and functional theme for many kinds of 
> devices. But it has one annoying issue: 
>     Clicking on a link target[1], the headline is hidden behind the 
>     navigation bar. The original theme does not have this issue[2]. 
That's a known problem with fixed-navbar boostrap things.
The fix is (IIRC) to add a negative margin and a positive padding to "A" 
elements the same size as the navbar.
Hackish but it works. 

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