Hello I'm trying to customize reports and report templates and there are several questions that come up. The first is regarding the example in the documentation<http://doc.tryton.org/3.0/trytond/doc/topics/reports/index.html#replacing-existing-tryton-reports> :
<record model="ir.action.report" id="account_invoice.report_invoice"> <field name="active" eval="False"/> </record> Where do I have to put this? In the exiting file in trytond/modules/account_invoice/invoice.xml? Or should I create a new module? And for the company/header_A4.odt: Should I just replace this file? I have installed trytond with pip and I would prefer to leave all the code untouched if there is a way to do this. Any help is very appreciated, and by the way: thank you very much for the excellent software! With best regards, Thelonius