El 13/08/2014 17:31, "Leonardo Ortega Hernandez" <leon9...@gmail.com> va
> I am working on a module called "tryton_natiras_hotel" in version 3.0,
but I have trytond in version 3.2. I would like to know how I can update
this module to version 3.2.
> I can't install the module using  Administration in tryton client, this
is the trackback:
> http://paste.ofcode.org/98c8TEdSUHwr3vAZg4BJvd
> please give me some tips about what changes I have to make in those lines.

In the wiki of Tryton project in Google Code, there is a page with the
changes required to migrate the code from 3.0 to 3.2.
I think it is complete (we update it when migrate our modules).


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