On Thursday, 2 October 2014 18:33:59 UTC+3, Chris Larsen wrote:
> Dear All,
> I stumbled across an interesting issue when setting up product categories 
> for biomedical equipment: 
> If you look at the 2011 WHO Core Medical Equipment 
> <http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/95788/1/WHO_HSS_EHT_DIM_11.03_eng.pdf>
> documentation, there is, for instance, a product category called:
> "Analyzer, Laboratory, Hematology, Blood Grouping, Automated", which can 
> be translated nicely into a category tree.
> However, there are currently two "standards", UMDNS and GMDN, that mean 
> the same, yet have different naming conventions, plus give a code to each 
> of their very own terms. Example:
> UMDNS equivalent: Analyzers, Laboratory, Hematology, Blood Grouping, 
> Automated
> UMDNS code: 16817
> GMDN equivalent: ABO/Rh(D) Blood Grouping Analyser IVD, Automated
> GMDN code: 56712
> That is close enough for aliases of a given category term, but we also 
> need a fields for the respective standards' codes.
> Would it be possible to attach the attribute and attribute categories 
> facility to the product categories, so that for each category we could 
> define aliases and coses for each alas, PLUS a code for the category term 
> itself?
> I would otherwise see some serious issue in using Tryton for 
> "standardised" products, especially, if there are several "standards" 
> competing with each other, as is often seen in high-value environments, 
> such as health.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks a lot, indeed -
> Chris
An add-on, related: 
I noted that in the Product Categories section, I can sort only by Name in 
the left-hand column showing the ends of each branch of the category tree. 
The 2nd column showing the whole tree is not sort-able at all, yet it 
should to cope with complex trees. 
Am is missing something? Thanks a lot,

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