On 04.10.2016 16:00, Cédric Krier wrote:
> On 2016-10-04 14:48, 'Korbinian Preisler' via tryton wrote:
>>> Background: in Germany since 2015 (GoBD) any digital handling of
>>> business process related data has to be, in essence, unchangeable, or
>>> safe from being manipulated. Therefore requirements to an ERP from the
>>> legislator/regulator standpoint of view are now stricter.
>>> These requirements are:
>>>   * book entries or records must not be changed in such a way that
>>> their original content cannot be retrieved or determined any more,
>>>   * later changes are to be made in such a way, that the original
>>> content as well as the fact that changes were made, are recognizable,
>>>   * when master data is changed, the distinct meaning in the according
>>> transaction data has to be recognizable afterwards.
>> I think that these 2 features should meet the legal requirements but
>> maybe except for the requirement that is defined by 'unchangeable'. All
>> the data is stored in a database and i do not see any proper technical
>> way how to make the content of it 'unchangeable'. For me the GoBD are
>> are quite vague about this term.
> Indeed what does Tryton is to prevent any change on posted move. But
> this is an application constraint so it is always possible to overrule
> this constraint by hacking the system. Indeed guarantee the immutability
> of records will need to sent the data (or a hash) to a trusted party.
I agree that this is an option.

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