El dia 06/03/2017 17.06, "Camille" <cam.reym...@gmail.com> va escriure:


Je viens d'installer (trèèès difficilement Tryton - j'aurai donc besoin de
vos services régulièrement...)

1er problème, lorsque je lance le serveur j'obtiens un message d'erreur :

(testryton)cam@deb-2:~/testryton$ trytond -c
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:47,927] INFO trytond.config using
/home/cam/testryton/conf/trytond.conf as configuration files
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,045] WARNING py.warnings
UserWarning: Unable to load plugin 'chart'
  warnings.warn("Unable to load plugin '%s'" % name)

2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,112] INFO trytond.modules
ir:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,112] INFO trytond.modules
res:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,112] INFO trytond.modules
product:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,115] INFO trytond.modules
tests:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,115] INFO trytond.modules
currency:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,116] INFO trytond.modules
country:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,117] INFO trytond.modules
party:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,125] INFO trytond.modules
party_siret:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,126] INFO trytond.modules
company:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,138] INFO trytond.modules
bank:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,145] INFO trytond.modules
account:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,167] INFO trytond.modules
stock:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,177] INFO trytond.modules
account_product:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,180] INFO trytond.modules
account_invoice:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,188] INFO trytond.modules
account_invoice_stock:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,189] INFO trytond.modules
account_fr:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,190] INFO trytond.modules
purchase:Rico classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,196] INFO trytond.modules
sale:registering classes
2063 140538002126592 [2017-03-06 15:45:48,212] INFO werkzeug  * Running on

Ca veux dire quoi " UserWarning: Unable to load plugin 'chart' " ?

It's a warning. Relatorio report engine can't load chart package. Not
available in you server.


Merci pour votre aide

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