Sorry if my explanation is not clear. 

I will try explain more clear. 

First, i try to create a new model medica.accounting_services related 
with medica.accounting_services.line.

on the first model (acounting_services) i try to asociate one field with 
the model (gnuhealth.patient) for get the information about the patient (or 
in the model case the employee)

account_patient = fields.Many2One('gnuhealth.patient', 'Paciente')

equally, i will asociate the same model with my servicesLine model 

account_services_line = fields.One2Many('medica.accounting_services.line',
 'account_services_line', 'Servicios', help="Servicios")

then, after that, i will relate the ServicesLine with these models: 

accountid = fields.Many2One('medica.accounting_services', 'accountid',

I need asociate these fields to the model product.product (is part of the 
tryton base i checked this information on this URL

services_concept = fields.Char('services_concept') #get the Description 
services_product = fields.Many2One('product.product','code') #get the 
product code

i need asociate these fields to the mode.template model, that equally is 
part of the tryton modules. 

services_description = fields.Many2One('product.template','name')

At the end, i see these "models" as one data structure that i need document 
in a schema. In my particular case, i do it with one datamodel. (sorry i'm 
old school)
But, finally, the tryton's models  are database models. 

I see this of this form: 


then, if I don't need create the foreing key for the relation, i want to 
know how to relate tryton the models internally to get the information of 
the other model. 

i created the enterprise module and individual module of my code ignoring 
my FK | PK fields, but doesn't work, i receive the errors: 


in english is "the relation doesn't exist" 
medica_accounting_entpservices_id_seq, this show me that tryton is not 
creating automatically the relation. 
due than this, i try understanding how tryton make to relate the models. 

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