Continuing my adventure with openerp2tryton, I come across a new challenge.

Part of the migration includes adapting the default accounting plan with a csv 
PM: I am using account_fr for the French PCG.

I use the following header:

everything seems okay until I get to the VAT accounts (4452xx and 44566x,
where "Autres" is not a unique name in account.account.type.template (nor in 
and thus gives an error.

There doesn't seem to be any Parent parsing, so prepending a parent
(eg 'Créances d'exploitation\Autres') doesn't seem to work nor does replacing
the the 'name' with the id directly (tag nor value)...

Looking at the code for import_data() in I thought I'd try
using 'type:id' in the header and 'account_fr.creances_autres' in the value
but then I get the following:
psycopg2.IntegrityError: ERREUR:  une instruction insert ou update sur la table 
« account_account » viole la contrainte de clé
étrangère « account_account_type_fkey »
DETAIL:  La clé (type)=(196) n'est pas présente dans la table « 
account_account_type ».

it appears that import_data uses account.account.type and not 
account.account.type.template where the db_id retrieved is
indeed the id of the type but which appears not to be maintained in 

Is this a bug in account.account.type structure (that is, losing the valid ids)?

Other ideas on how to import these VAT accounts?

Richard PALO

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