However, you can save network passwords in pro, whereas you cannot in home.  
What I mean is that if you need a username/password pair to connect to a 
network resource, you can save that in Windows XP Pro and not ever have to 
enter it again.  In Windows XP Home, you have to enter it ever time you 
reboot.  I have personal experience with this(My laptop came with windoze xp 
home).  For this reason alone, I would recommend Pro.


----Original Message Follows----
From: Sean Foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [tslug] Re: Misc Questions
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 22:47:19 -0500

By the way, MS's marketing material may tout Pro-only features related
to Active Directory and domain membership... But you won't be allowed to
join any of the existing domains on campus and Truman ITServices would
probably give you trouble if you tried to create your own domain (using
2000 or .NET server). So those features won't do you much good on
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Sean Foy
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 10:38 PM
Subject: [tslug] Re: Misc Questions

As for Windows,

If you'd have bought Win9X, then go with Home. If you'd have gotten NT
Workstation or 2000, get Pro. The MS web site has detailed information
about all the features, if you're looking for something in particular,
but the above is a rule-of-thumb.

So if you want, e.g., SMP support you must go with Pro. If you want IIS,
MS's (notorious but prolific) web/ftp/smtp/(nntp on 2000 Server/AS and
.NET servers) server, you need Pro. If you just want to play games
you're probably fine with Home Edition.

FWIW, XP Pro (Corporate Ed.) seems to be most popular in the dorms. Most
of those installations would be of questionable licensing status... The
availability of the CD image might be the biggest reason for the
popularity, but there it is. -----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Ian Monroe
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 4:40 PM
To: Truman State Linux User Group
Subject: [tslug] Misc Questions

I'll be attending Truman next year and I have a few questions.

In general, how Linux-friendly is Truman? I plan on having a multiboot

computer, but, for instance, can I print to the dorm printers from

I plan on buying a computer this summer. Is it necesary to get XP
Professional or is Home good enough? Would prefer Home for the obvious
matter of $100, but I understand that in some networks it's better to
have Pro.

Ian Monroe

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