Yes, bochs is a Free and free x86 emulator.  It runs all instructions 
in software, so it is also very slow compared to VMWare which runs a 
number of instructions in hardware.  Plex86 was an offshoot of Bochs, 
but I don't know if either of them are being actively developed as of 
now.  If I had to guess one, it would be Bochs.  I have run Bochs 
before, and it is very slow.  But, the advantage to everything being in 
software is that it will run on other architectures(PowerPC, ARM, 
SPARC, etc.)  If you want to play with a X86 emulator, this would 
probably be the one to try.  If you want to get something done in one, 
I would look elsewhere.

Caleb Jorden

Brandon Chisham wrote:

>Has anyone tried bochs? I found it this afternoon at 
> It is licensed under the LGPL. I also saw 
>something called plex86 at 

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