It looks like your network card should be a simple tulip card. Try
typing, as root, insmod tulip. However there may be some pcmcia trickery
needed that I don't know about (actually I need to study up on
pcmcia...). But anyway give that a try. Without knowing what kind of
soundcard you have I can't really help you.

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 21:20, Christopher White wrote:
> I recently switched to Linux from Windows 98, but there are a few 
> problems I have yet to work out. First of all, my IBM EtherJet PCMCIA 
> card does not have a linux driver, and I can't figure out how to obtain 
> one and make it work. Second of all, it doesn't recognize my sound 
> card. I would greatly appreciate any help I could get with these 
> problems. I am a neophyte, so you'll have to go easy on my.
> Chris
Peter Snoblin
aim: CHA1512

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