Yea! Replying to myself.

My Gentoo Linux installtion is dead, dead as a doornail. Oh well. After
doing a reiserfsck --fix-fixable /dev/hda5 (which looked less threatening
then --rebuild-tree), I couldn't even mount /dev/hda5 in Knoppix,
complaining about a lack of directory or some such. And instead of hanging
on module dependancies, the kernel gave up on an error that the root file
system couldn't be mounted. So I did a reiserfsck --rebuild-tree
/dev/hda5, which created a lost+found directory of ~700 megabytes (a bad
sign). Now I can boot Gentoo, but I can't login because when I do there's
an error about PAM not being able to load. There are various boot-time
errors about such-and-such library not being able to load as well. So, oh
well, time to give up I think. I have 4 tests next week (hey class, I know
you don't want another test during midterm, so we'll have it the week
before - in pratically every class), so I'm probably just going to keep
using Knoppix/Windows XP until I have the chance to reinstall.  There's no
important data stored on my / partition (if there was I think I could in
fact recover it), its just a big hassle to have to reinstall.

I would like to think that this is a Reiserfs issue, but that might be
wishful thinking. I think the repartitioning I did was just the straw that
broke the camels back. Any suggestions on how to check on the condition of
my 8-month old IBM Deathstar? In other words, should I even bother
reinstalling on this hard drive? Windows XP appears to work fine, but then
again that part of the hard disk isn't used very much; perhaps thats why.

I did install another (old, 14 gig) hard drive over the Christmas break,
which took some internal rearranging, I plan on having someone who knows
what they're doing take a look at it. Maybe there's somethign wrong with a
ribbon or some (cheap) problem like that (fingers crossed).

Ian Monroe

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Ian Monroe wrote:

> After doing some more repartitioning*, and the computer booted up fine and
> all was going well. Partitions reported being at the size they should be
> etc. Then while doing an emerge (how you install new software in Gentoo),
> a program related to it called started taking up like 100% CPU
> (it was what I think is called kernel mode, the bar was red, which usually
> only happens during things like hard drive access.) And it didn't seem to
> be doing anything, so I CRTL-Ced, but my CPU monitor still showed 100% CPU
> usage.
> [snip: blah blah, my computer sucks]

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