On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:02:40AM +0200, Eric Noulard wrote:
> 2009/4/15 Frederik Deweerdt <frederik.dewee...@xprog.eu>:
> >
> > I did reproduce the problem on x86 full 32 bits... So it's seems that
> > the bug has always been present on 0.8.3. It is unclear how it slipped
> > through as bb_simu + tsp_bb_provider + tsp_stdout_client is a classic
> > test combo.
> >
> > I didn't take time to dig deeper, but the cause of the problem in
> > tsp_data_sender is that dimension is 0, so the encoder correctly
> > returns 0.
> Fred I'm taking a look at this and I do not quite understand what you are
> talking about?
> Where is the dimension set to 0 ?
> The only solution for setting encoding dimension to 0 would be to have
> group->items[i].nelem == 0
> at tsp_data_sender.c:332
> which is weird?
Yes, that's what I got, and it's weird indeed.
> There should be some memory corruption leading to that.
> If someone gets its hands on reproducing this please valgrind it
> in order to have more localized informations.
OK, I'll try that.
> However since Olivier said:
> >>>>
> I have done the test again with 0.8.3 and it appeared that:
>        - I didn't reproduced this bug with these softs (bb_simu,
> tsp_bb_provider, tsp_stdout_client)
> >>>>
> I bet the memory corruption is not *always* hapening....
> However since I don't think that the missing bb_lock case for SHADOW_BB
> can explain this I did file a reminder bug
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/index.php?26304
Thanks for doing this, I also suspect this hasn't anything to do with
the bb_lock thing.


> -- 
> Erk
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