Just my opinion about the MTU problem when TCM-optimizing:

>>>>3) Path MTU discovery issues
>>>[RP] Very important issue. There are some gaming consoles  that  just by
putting their packets in a lightweight UDP tunnel you get a message 
>>>saying you have MTU issues and everything stops. Debugging is up to the
>>[Jose] Which game genre are you talking about? Perhaps this only happens
when the console is sending MTU packets. Real-time games usually send
>> very small ones, but this is a very interesting topic we have to study.

>[RP2] The console itself (not a game) does MTU probing. If there is a MTU
problem you get a network error. 


[Jose] TCM is deployed inside the network (within a network segment), and
the end machines do not know that it is being deployed.

TCM only makes sense for small-packet flows. Obviously, a TCM optimizer will
not multiplex packets if they are big. Those packets will travel in their
native form, and the tunnel is not required. So if a console does that test,
a good TCM implementation should not do anything.

There is another question: we are talking about multiplexing based on a time
period. However, the MTU is another limitation. I mean, if the period has
not expired yet, but you are near the MTU, you'd better send the packet and
begin a new period.

What do you think?


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