Hi all.

We have the idea of asking for a BoF in London in March 2014. For this aim,
we should discuss a new version of the charter draft. I send it in the next

This e-mail summarizes the improvements. I have put different numbers, in
order to discuss them separately in the list.

1- In order to be consistent with the drafts, the charter should talk about
"TCM-ingress and egress optimizers" instead of "TCM multiplexers and

2- A new scenario has been included "a wireless Internet connection shared
by a number of people in a place with low Internet penetration", taking into
account that some people from Africa were interested on TCM for improving
real-time applications in this kind of places.

3- Scenario: "a community network, in which a number of people in the same
geographical place share their connections in a cooperative way". It has
some similarities with the previous one.

4- Scenario: "a satellite connection used for providing connectivity in a
non-connected area during a short period of time (e.g. journalists covering
the arrival of a mountain stage of a cycling competition)."

5- Scenario: " -        an air-to-ground connection providing Internet
connectivity to the passengers of an aircraft, multiplexing a number of
simultaneous VoIP flows. The same can be applied between a cruise ship and a
satellite." http://www.gogoair.com/gogo/cms/work.do

6- According to the feedback received in the BoF in Berlin, the references
to TCP have been removed.

7- A reference to the potential problem of the MTU and packet loss has been
added in number 8: "The eventual impact of multiplexing on protocol dynamics
(e.g. the lost of a multiplexed packet, MTU-related issues) will also have
to be addressed.."

Any other suggestions, according to what we discussed in the BoF?

Best regards,

Jose Saldana

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