Dear all,

I'd like to give you an update about recent activities regarding a proposed BOF 
on Transport Services for the London IETF. The website for this activity is 
here  and the BOF 
request is visible in the IETF Wiki:

There was a side meeting in Vancouver, in which the major feedback was that we 
should not be too focused on the Berkeley sockets API and what existing 
transports can provide, but really look at what applications currently use and 
what services they want. We have incorporated this feedback and begun with some 
homework in this direction - two related drafts have recently been submitted: which 
discusses some application use cases and derived requirements, and the draft 
described below, which discusses 
transport APIs. Essentially the first draft shows some futuristic things (what 
applications could do in the future), while the focus of the second draft is on 
how we could improve existing applications by only updating the middleware that 
they use.

If you want to get a better idea of what this whole thing is about, you could 
look at the problem statement draft:

We're glad to get contributions or feedback (which should be directed to the 
transport-services list, i.e.  /  ).

Thanks, cheers,

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Per Hurtig <>
> Subject: Fwd: New Version Notification for 
> draft-hurtig-tsvwg-transport-apis-00.txt
> Date: 15. desember 2013 16:56:55 CET
> To: "<>" <>
> Cc: Michael Welzl <>, Stein Gjessing <>, 
> Martin Sustrik <>
> Dear all,
> we have now submitted a first draft describing transport APIs and how they 
> could
> be improved using transport services. 
> The URL to the draft: 
> Abstract
> ---
> Commonly used networking APIs are currently limited by the transport layer's
> inability to expose services instead of protocols. An API/application/user is
> therefore forced to use exactly the services that are implemented by the
> selected transport. This document surveys networking APIs and discusses how 
> they
> can be improved by a more expressive transport layer that hides and 
> automatizes
> the choice of the transport protocol.
> ---
> We’d like people to comment the contents and also help out in surveying the
> different APIs listed in the draft. We would also like feedback on APIs that
> should be included but are not. The complete list of included APIs is given
> below together with status (completed/claimed/unclaimed). The completed ones
> need review, the claimed are currently being written, and the unclaimed is up
> for grabs by you!
> * ZeroMQ (completed)
> * nanomsg (claimed)
> * enet (completed)
> * Java Message Service (unclaimed)
> * Chrome Network Stack (unclaimed)
> * CFNetwork (unclaimed)
> * Apache Portable Runtime (claimed)
> * VirtIO (unclaimed)
> * BSD Sockets (unclaimed)
> * Java Libraries (completed)
> * Netscape Portable Runtime (unclaimed)
> * Infiniband Verbs (unclaimed)
> * Input/Output Completion Port (unclaimed)
> Best Regards,
> Per Hurtig
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From:
>> Subject: New Version Notification for 
>> draft-hurtig-tsvwg-transport-apis-00.txt
>> Date: 15 Dec 2013 16:51:34 GMT+1
>> To: Per Hurtig <>, Stein Gjessing 
>> <>, Michael Welzl <>, Martin 
>> Sustrik <>
>> A new version of I-D, draft-hurtig-tsvwg-transport-apis-00.txt
>> has been successfully submitted by Per Hurtig and posted to the
>> IETF repository.
>> Filename:     draft-hurtig-tsvwg-transport-apis
>> Revision:     00
>> Title:                Transport APIs
>> Creation date:        2013-12-15
>> Group:                Individual Submission
>> Number of pages: 13
>> URL:             
>> Status:          
>> Htmlized:        
>> Abstract:
>>  Commonly used networking APIs are currently limited by the transport
>>  layer's inability to expose services instead of protocols.  An API/
>>  application/user is therefore forced to use exactly the services that
>>  are implemented by the selected transport.  This document surveys
>>  networking APIs and discusses how they can be improved by a more
>>  expressive transport layer that hides and automatizes the choice of
>>  the transport protocol.
>> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
>> until the htmlized version and diff are available at
>> The IETF Secretariat

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