> On 27 Jul 2016, at 17:18, Joe Touch <to...@isi.edu> wrote:
> Olle,
> On 7/27/2016 5:41 AM, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
>> ...
>> This mess caused me sadly to suggest that we need to discuss breaking the 
>> assumption that TCP delivery is always reliable
>> and implement retransmits even over TCP in the STUN protocol. STUN was 
>> designed to discover middleboxes
>> with a focus on NAT. This is just another middle box to discover.
> None of this is news. One of the "features" of middleboxes is
> "transparent" TCP relaying. That device always destroys TCP reliable
> delivery semantics.
Even more sad - I just discovered them.
> This has been known since the mid 90s'.
> The challenge with STUN has always been that many middleboxes *do not
> want to be found*.
Which is one reason to improve STUN - right?

>> The bigger picture is even more scary - what happens if our reliable 
>> transport suddenly no longer is reliable?
>> One developer from a well known mobile system vendor said “well, I guess 
>> that using TLS may help”…
> Ask them *how* they think TLS helps. TLS relies on TCP semantics.
I asked the very same question, got no answer. Will get back to them.


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