> On Jul 20, 2018, at 4:47 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:
> So I'd like to see in the text that we recommend to do it as "high up" in the 
> stack as possible, but still don't put off people turning on TCP keepalives 
> "because the IETF doesn't recommend that", and thus they do nothing at all 
> and the problem just persists.

Agreed. Further, I don’t see the problem with having keepalives at all levels 
of the stack - at lower levels, they can be suppressed as long as higher levels 
are performing that function, but it’s still always useful to have them on at 
lower levels as a “backup”.

So I would hesitate to say “do this at the highest level”. My advice would be 
“do this at ALL levels that benefit, and be sure to suppress independent 
keepalives at a given level if there is activity at higher levels that 


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