Thank you, Patrick. I was wondering about this one :-)



On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 4:55 PM Patrick McManus <>

> Hello tsv-area friends,
> As co-chair of the ART Dispatch WG I am writing to let you know about a
> draft that will be presented in that group on a 'as time allowed basis'
> during the virtual meeting next week. We believe you may have some interest
> and expertise in its content.
> The draft is
> Abstract
>    This document specifies Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) protocol.
>    SRT is a user-level protocol over User Datagram Protocol and provides
>    reliability and security optimized for low latency live video
>    streaming, as well as generic bulk data transfer.  For this, SRT
>    introduces control packet extension, improved flow control, enhanced
>    congestion control and a mechanism for data encryption.
> After consultation with the transport and art AD's we believe this may be
> of interest to both communities. The goal of the dispatch WG is to help
> identify the next step of a draft that is not currently adopted by a WG
> (possibilities include but are not limited to a BoF, an existing WG, a new
> WG, or more refinement on mailing lists). The group makes recommendations
> but cannot actually require any of those actions. Come be part of our group!
> Information on the Dispatch WG mailing list is here:
> The virtual  meeting is Monday at 22:10 UTC aka
> This work at least intersects with the interests of several areas and
> groups, so please tolerate multiple copies of this invitation.
> -Patrick

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