Hey Eric,

You are correct.  The most recent list of JNDI service providers
includes LDAP, COS Naming, RMI Registry, NIS, DSML, DNS, File System, Novell
and the Windows Registry.  I think that a JNDISecurityService is the way to
go, but you're right, I should probably focus on the LDAPSecurityService
given my schedule and make it LDAP specific.

I did send a message directly to Jason, and one other (I don't remember
which) 2+ days ago and recieved no response.  Hopefully they'll hit this
discussion and want to get involved.

I think that in the meantime I'll subclass LDAPUserManager and
LDAPSecurityService and get things working like that.  Once that works, I'll
share those files and we can discuss how to best implement the changes
within Turbine.

Sound reasonable?


PS I'm all for a better "long-term" solution, and would be interested in
participating, time permitting.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Dobbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 3:22 PM
To: Turbine Developers List
Subject: Re: LDAP Authentication

On Friday, February 1, 2002, at 02:49  PM, Mitchell Christensen wrote:

> After looking at the code, I'm wondering if this shouldn't be
> implemented using the om/peer model, but that is meant solely for RDBMS
> right now (correct? Its a different discussion altogether, but why can't
> objects be mapped to LDAP as well?).  For now I was thinking about 
> simply
> putting the JNDI calls directly in the LDAPSecurityService.

Couple things.
om/peers are definitely DB biased right now.  There has been some
talk of abstracting that to support an XML backend, and I think
your suggestion of LDAP is not unreasonable in the context of that
discussion.  I suspect that is a bigger project than your specific
need calls for.

I don't have much experience with JNDI nor LDAP.  My intuition is
that a JNDISecurityService would be more generally useful than
something specific to LDAP.  Your coment about JNDI calls leads me
to believe you have experience to verify whether my intuition is
correct or not.  I understand there exist JNDI adaptors for NIS+,
and LDAP, and others...  might just be another case of "a small
amount of knowledge can be dangerous."  8^)

In any case, JNDI calls in the LDAPSecurityService sounds like the
shortest route at the moment.

> Also, the current implementation won't bind (authenticate) against 
> Netscape
> Directory Server.  I understand the problem, but won't go into it here
> because it is somewhat long-winded.  There will need to be a change or 
> two
> to the LDAPUserManager as well.

No surprise that LDAPUserManager needs work.  It's part of the whole
bundle that was abandoned in Turbine's CVS repository.  Your attention
to the matter will be very welcome.

> Would it be fare to ask for a brain dump from anyone who has thoughts 
> on how
> this should be done in exchange for building the LDAP interface and
> submitting?  I noticed that Jason van Zyl, Leonard Flournoy, Tracy 
> Adewunmi
> and Rafal Krzewski were listed as original authors.  Are they still 
> around?
> Is there some original design notes, etc. that might be of use?

JvZ is definitely around, but very busy on lots of other projects.  I
think he's presently traveling but I'm sure he'll add to the
conversation when he gets back.  The rest I can't say.

Colin Chalmers and some of his colleagues have discussed this before on
the turbine-user list.  I remember some discussion about an LDAP schema
and DNs and such (exposing more ignorance, I know 8^).

Here's a link to the archive that should get you too the relevant thread.
Paul Esposito's name is one this one.  I am fairly certain that nothing
ever came of this thread (or the LDAP stuff would be working now).  It
might be worth firing an email off to those two to see if they have any
time they can offer to help.  They have at least have more experience to
bring in this area.

I'm happy to lend a hand (maybe it'll give me an excuse to finally
learn LDAP and JNDI 8^).

> I'm going to cross-post this to turbine-dev since that is probably where
> this thread should be anyways.

good move.  this is definitely the right place for the conversation.


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