
I have run into a problem with Turbine (new CVS) and a standalone Tomcat
(v3.1) servlet engine, with Interbase (v 5.6) as my database.  Turbine is
installed as a web application.  Sometimes accessing the
screen/admin.RoleEditor screen causes the Turbine and Tomcat to completely
freeze up.  I checked the database entries and Interbase server but
everything seems fine there [all diagnostic tools gives green lights]- seems
only a Turbine/Tomcat problem.

After some trail & error I found a way to reproduce the "bug":
1.  Log in as turbine/turbine.
2.  Select "User Administrator".
3.  Without entering anything in the form click "Find".
4.  Click on any username in the resulting list.
5.  Click "Roles"
6.  Log Out
7.  Goto Step 1

After *exactly 3* times the system freezes up.  Freeze up in the sense that:
1.  The requested page is never returned until the browser times out
2.  I cannot stop Tomcat by calling "tomcat stop".
3.  Turbine does not produce any more pages that access the database [I can
access the login screen though]
4.  The Tomcat default screen as well as the Tomcat servlet examples still

I as far as I can see only the RoleEditor screen gives this problem.  There
are other sequences that give the same error but the above mentioned is the
only one that I can reproduce.

None of the log files reveal anything enlightening and the Interbase server
seems fine (neither restarting or not restarting the database makes any

Any ideas?


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