on 5/28/2000 5:15 PM, Krzysztof Zelazowski at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> The problem is, that Document is really an HTMLDocument, and is not a common
> class for WMLDocument and XMLDocument. As a result, if one would like to use
> Turbine for WAP services, such as myself, he or she would have to modify
> Turbine.java in order for the correct document to be rendered.

This should have been posted on the Turbine mailing list. Please move any
further responses to that list.

Anyway, the answer is to simply use data.getOut() or
data.getResponse().getOutpuStream() to get an output stream yourself and
write to that directly and not write out the data.getPage() method.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about:


Instead of serving image content, you would serve your WM/XML/WAP content.



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