Sean Legassick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As an aside I noticed that there's some formatting cleanups in there
> too. Although these do improve the code's readability, my opinion is
> that they shouldn't be mixed with real code changes as it made it
> difficult for me to pick out your real changes, the same problem someone
> looking at the CVS diff to see what you changed will have if the need
> arises. 
> An ex-colleague of mine Tony Finch wrote some good CVS guidelines that
> include this point: <>.
> Perhaps formatting cleanups should only be done as a standalone
> patch/commit?  (This is very much just my personal opinion, I don't know
> if anyone else agrees?)

Ug.  Sorry, I forgot about that.  I was messing around with some formatting
tools to format to the guidelines and made a patch afterwards.  I agree with
you, those formatting changes should not be in there, especially since I was
asking for feedback about the implementation changes I made.  I'll check out
the cvs-guidelines also.

Thanks for taking a look anyway & I'll be more careful in the future.


Jeff Brekke

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