--- John McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Note that if I have a fairly
> complicated Where clause (IN is generally means
> complex enough), I just add
> the entire clause as a Custom criteria.  I know the
> syntax is messy, but it
> comes in handy once in a while.

Can you give me some example of CUSTOM criteria. I am
not very comfortable with CUSTOM. Last time I looked
at the code, it seemed that any CUSTOM criteria is
considered part of the WHERE clause and added to other
where cluases with 'AND'. However, I am very new to
this. So, I may not have understood the whole picture.

Let's say final sql expressons (for MySQL) I want
would be:

a) SELECT FLD1 from TAB LIMIT 0, 20
b) SELECT COUNT(*) from TAB where FLD1 = 'X'

How would I setup my criteria (using CUSTOM if needed)
in above cases?

Thanks ...


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