On Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 06:40:32PM +0200, Hervé Guidetti wrote:
> I have a database Turbine with User, Permission, ... (ACL in fact) and I
> have an other database with my data named TEST.
> I wrote my own MapBuilder. I wrote MyThingPeer and myThing
> The problem is that it seems to try to query in Turbine DataBase and not in
> my TEST DataBase.
> How and where can I specify Turbine to use TEST in spite of the default one.
> Do I have to modify anything in the TurbineResources.properties ??

1) add entries to TurbineResources.properties (replacing 'xxx' with
appropriate values):


2) Make sure that you've registered your database map with the DBBroker

3) Construct your Criteria objects with the database name (test) in the
constructor ... Criteria crit = new Criteria("test")

Sean Legassick

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