I have written an xml-rpc service which I would like to be considered
for inclusion within the turbine tree.
The code can be found here ->
Also included within the jar, is a testxmlrpc.wm file (and the
corresponding .java file) which shows a quick test of the service by
hitting a remote server and getting back a response. I'm planning on
showing a little bit more 'complicated' example within the next few days
on my personal site.
I'm using Hannes Wallnofer's xmlrpc-java library which is free for both
commercial and non-commercial use as well as is redistributable. It has
also been included within the above jar. More info about the library
can be found here, http://helma.at/hannes/xmlrpc/. You can also find a
good chart which maps xml-rpc types into Java types.
If you are unfamiliar with XML-RPC, you can go to http://www.xmlrpc.com.
The service will be basically used like this...
XmlRpcService xs =
Vector vec = new Vector();
vec.addElement(new Integer(3));
String name = (String) xs.executeRpc(new
Other files which will need to be changed:
build-turbine.sh will need to include the xmlrpc.jar file within the
TurbineResources.properties will need to add the service to the list of
other services:
I think that's it. If I've left out anything, please let me know. I
really like the direction that Turbine is going especially with WebMacro
and I hope this service can help out.
PS: Jon, I know you have been incredibly busy so I wanted just to
ping/remind you about some code I posted last week. It was a
TurbineNoDbUser and a TurbineNoDbUserPeer. Basically, it just takes out
anything related to a db connection. I have been using it for my
testing/development and it is working fine. You can find that code
here, http://static.userland.com/gems/barista/nodb.jar
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