I've committed Leon's patches to DB.java and its subclasses. These add
ignoreCase and ignoreCaseInOrderBy methods which are implemented by the
DB-specific adaptors - the default implementation for the latter just
calls the former.

I've also modified BasePeer and SqlExpression such that these methods
get used wherever the code was either using DB.toUpperCase or just
wrapping UPPER() around an expression. I've tested these changes myself
but would appreciate knowing that they work for each of the databases we

A couple of other related things:

- I also took the opportunity to add some functionality to
  Criteria/SqlExpression for adding 'IN' and 'NOT IN' clauses to a
  select criteria. Basically you just call either addIn or addNotIn
  passing either an array or a vector in as the criteria value.

- Leon has written a guide to the database adaptors, covering what is
  needed to support a new RDBMS. I've committed this as
  docs/db_adaptors.txt. I checked it over and it looked great to me - Leon
  described it as a "version 1 beta" so I'm sure he'll be more than happy
  if anyone has comments/corrections. 


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