Ok. Here is a more readle diff (I hope). 


>//If the template does not start with a comma, and there is a referring template 
>//evaluate the absolute template name and save it as the template name
>           if ( TurbineResources.getBoolean("use.relative.templates", false))
>                               setAbsScreenTemplate(data);
< }
> /**
>  * This method finds out if there is any referring template information available. 
>  * If it is available it creates an absolute template name using the referring 
>  * and the template information, and saves that absolute name as the template name. 
>  * method should be called only once in WebMacroSitePage.
>  *
>  * If the template name starts with a comma, the referring template is ignored.
>  * 
>  * Creation date: (6/15/00 12:46:34 PM)
>  * @author Moshiul Shovon <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>
>  * @param data org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
>  */
> public void setAbsScreenTemplate(RunData data)
> {
>       String template = data.getTemplateInfo().getScreenTemplate();
>       if (null == template)
>               return;
>       String referringTemplate = data.getTemplateInfo().getScreenRefTemplate();
>       String name = null;
>       //if template start with a slash ignore the referringTemplate
>       if (template.startsWith("/"))
>       {
>               name = template.substring(1);
>       }
>       else
>       {
>               if ((null == referringTemplate) || (0 == referringTemplate.length()))
>               {
>                       name = template;
>               }
>               else
>               {
>                       //referring template will be in the form "a/b/c/d.wm",
>                       //we need to ignore anyting after the last slash(/)
>                       int indexOfLastSlash = referringTemplate.lastIndexOf('/');
>                       if (-1 == indexOfLastSlash)
>                       {
>                               name = template;
>                       }
>                       else
>                       {
>                       String refDirectory = referringTemplate.substring(0, 
>                               name = refDirectory + "," + template;
>                       }
>               }
>       }
>       name = name.replace('/', ',');
>       data.getTemplateInfo().setScreenTemplate(name);
> }
> }


diff -wbBr old/TemplateInfo.java ./TemplateInfo.java
> /**
>  * Get the value of refering template name.<br>
>  * This information comes from PathInfo or a QueryString.
>  * Note: The rtemplate name is always "cleaned" with
>  * this method - replaces , with /
>  * @return Name of referring template with commas replaced by slashes.
>  */
> public String getScreenRefTemplate()
> {
>       String temp = data.getParameters().getString("rtemplate", null);
>       if (temp != null)
>       {
>               temp = temp.replace(',', '/');
>       }
>       return temp;
> }
diff -wbBr old/TurbineResources.properties ./TurbineResources.properties
> # This is used by WebMacroSitePage. If it is set to true, template
> # names are resolved relative to the referring template.  When it
> # is true, absolute template names must start with a comma. 
> # Default: false
> use.relative.templates=false
diff -wbBr old/WebMacroLink.java ./WebMacroLink.java
>     String refTemplate = null; //referring template name 
>         //save the refering template
>       if (TurbineResources.getBoolean("use.relative.templates", false))
>              refTemplate = data.getParameters().getString("template");
>         //add the referring template as 'rtemplate'
>       if ((null != refTemplate) && ( refTemplate.length() > 0))
>               addPathInfo("rtemplate", refTemplate);

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