From the SDO C++ point of view, the interop that could be done by then would
be at the serialized level - I.E being able to load/save the same XML in both systems. In terms of Axis2C support, I am looking into providing a utility to write AXIOM from SDOs and SDO types. Ideally I would do that by creating AXIOM objects directly from SDO properties, but the quick solution would be to stream the SDO to XML, and then use axis2 to read the XML.
cheers, Ed. On 01/05/06, Pete Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think it would be a good idea to have a release of the C++ subproject before ApacheCon Europe (Last week in June). I'll set up a wiki page along the lines of the Java "Tasks" page to set out what we need to do to get to a release. I'd like to have an IRC chat (Wednesday?) to discuss the functional content of this proposed release and how we get there. Current thoughts are to have webservice support using Axis2C and a sample to demonstrate interoperability with the Java release and ... ???? Cheers, -- Pete