Ed, this allows me to what I want. There is a problem though... you
need copy constructor and operator= methods on TypeDefinitions,
TypeDefinition and PropertyDefinition to copy the impl. I'll raise a Jira
for this (and probably fix it).


On 02/05/06, Pete Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Great. I'll take a look at it and see if I can use it to achieve what I


 On 02/05/06, Edward Slattery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A while ago, Pete raised a requirement to create Types in a DataFactory
> which are of type URI, but know that they came from a QName originally.
> We store this information in a TypeDefinition class when loading from
> XSD,
> so the easy way to allow Types to be created on the fly with this
> feature
> would be to expose TypeDefinition as a class, and let the user crate a
> list
> of TypeDefinitions, which can be passed back to the DataFactory
> DefineTypes
> method.
> I have therefore exposed TypeDefinition, TypeDefiniitons and
> PropertyDefinition classes. I hope this helps.




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