
On 26/05/06, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A long time ago I posted about doing some interoperability testing. I've
back to this now and I've put some ideas about how we do this on the wiki,
here (


So if we lay these tests out in order I would expect to do the following in
Java, C++ and PHP where the feature is supported

1.1.  Read an XML file and write it out again

1.2.  Read an XML file and write out an XSD file

2.1  Read and write Records from a database

3.1  Read XML and write Axiom

3.2  Read Axiom and write XML

I see the sense in 1.1 However, I'm not so sure about 1.2. Presumably that
is saying that we read an XML instance and in the process of creating an SDO
for it we have also defined a variety of types, properties and so on to
describe it. Then we use that information to generate an XSD. This is pretty
much the same as inspecting an XML instance document and then writing an XSD
for it. It isn't obvious to me that different implementations would
necessarily generate the same XSD in these cases. I'm willing to be
convinced; I'm just not sure that it's fair to expect that different
implementations will generate the same XSD when what they were doing was
populating a model with whatever they needed to read an XML instance.



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